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Because God's
love is for all

Everyone is always welcome.
We pray that God may bless you with
peace, inspiration, and strength. We are a community, seeking to learn what it means
to follow Jesus. No matter what you may
be going through no matter where
you may be on your faith journey,

you are most welcome here!

Looking for a new church home?


Live Worship Steaming available and Service in Church
at 10:30AM Sundays!!!
It will be streamed on Facebook Live on our Facebook page
NEWS FOR THE PEW                                                                                                                               

FROM THE PASTOR                                                                                                                                   July 11, 2024

Dear Friends,


What a lovely outdoor worship service we had last Sunday! The weather was perfect, the new church pop-up tent went together perfectly, and the worship team's outdoor worship kit contained all the worship elements we need.


Thanks to all of you who helped carry chairs, set up equipment, carry out communion, offering plates, and Prayground activities, and then clean it all up again.


This Sunday we have Pretending Bible Stories in worship--join me at 9:45 to practice, or show up later and grab a costume to participate.

Join FPCT for worship this Sunday, July 14, 2024, at 10:30am in person and livestreamed on Facebook. “Expressing Worship” continues our summertime theme of allowing the Psalms to inspire our expressions of faith. How do you show your faith? How do you affirm God’s faithfulness? Scriptures this week include 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19, Psalm 24, and Ephesians 1:3-14. Join us to pray together, hear stories from scripture, and find your home here at First Presbyterian Church of Tonawanda.

See you soon,

Pastor Rebecca



Annual Garden Walk  -  Saturday, July 20 from 10am-4pm

First Pres Church is participating in the Tonawanda Garden Walk.  We are hosting this event once again and we need your help.  We have three shifts available:  10-12, 12-2 and 2-4.  All that is required is to greet people, serve snacks, and give directions to the rest rooms.  See Betsy for more information or sign-up on Sunday. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Narthex. 


 COFFEE HOUR VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED:  Volunteers are needed to host coffee hour during the month of August.   

The sign-up sheet is in the Narthex or call the church office at 716-692-1319.    


Mary Zielke has settled into McAuley Residence.  Feel free to send a card, call her or stop by for a visit.  The address is 1503 Military Road, Kenmore, NY 14217.  She is in room 222D.  Her phone number is 716-359-0568.


Congratulations to Kevin and Autumn Donovan on the birth of their daughter, Mackenzie Violet Donovan.  She was born on April 22, 2024; 7lbs, 3oz.

Outreach and Mission Activities: 

Elementary School Project

One of the programs that the Deacons are sponsoring is the Elementary School Project.  These items are used by the elementary school nurse when there is an accident which makes a change of clothing necessary.  Your donation of underwear, socks, sneakers, and shorts or pants can help make a child comfortable after an uncomfortable event. See the attached list for sizes needed.


The Warrior Clothes Closet is also in need of adult and child size clothing, new or gently used.  This is at the high school and is available to anyone in need. 

Body and Soul Pantry:  The pantry closet is up and running again.  See the attached list for needed items. Many of these items can be purchased at the Dollar Store.  Any questions, contact Diane Charsley or Marilee Mathias.



  Elementary School Project

  • Underwear  -  boys and girls sizes 6 and 8

  • Socks – boys and girls socks for shoe sizes 12-3

  • Sneakers – kids sizes 12-3, new or gently used

  • Clothing – boys and girls size 6 and 8, stretch waist shorts 

or stretch waist summer weight pants


Body and Soul Pantry

  • Men and Women’s socks

  • Shaving Cream (5oz)/razors

  • Bar soap

  • Toothpaste/Toothbrushes

  • Toilet paper

  • Mac & Cheese

  • Peanut butter (16-18oz)

  • Cereal/instant oatmeal

  • Pasta

  • Canned vegetables/fruit


​* Discord church server

Reach out to Billy or Pastor Rebecca to be added to the Discord server. We're beginning to use this to share CE files and curriculum, as well as offer an open space to chat and share.

* Church To-Do list has been moved across the narthex to the Outreach board for easier access. Be sure to check to see what you can do!!


Church T-shirts - All orders have come in. If you need a different size or color, sign up on the sheet or let us know in the office.



  •  The Deacons are organizing coffee hour every Sunday after worship.  Please join in for fellowship and coffee; the sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.  


Adult Sunday School                    

Please take a few minutes & read the appointed Lectionary Readings that we are using to find YOUR special message. 

Our classes will resume in September.


                                                       Amos 7:7-15   Eph 1:3-14   Mark 6:14-29   Ps 85:8-13


How Do These All Come Together?

“Straighten up & fly right” – as my father used to say & now OUR FATHER in Heaven reminds us!

*Amos brought us God’s measuring tool – a “plumb line” that God says, “I will test my people with this plumb line. I will no longer ignore all their sins.”

*Paul teaches us that, “..because we are united with Christ, we have received an inheritance from God, for he chose us in advance, & he makes everything work out according to his plan.” That PLAN includes our use of the “plumb line” in our daily lives, along with & knowing we use it to bring God/Christ glory & praise.

*Mark reminds us to be careful in our promises, & to always stand our ground when we use the “plumb line”.

*The Psalm reminds us to “..listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying for he speaks peace to his faithful people.” He is our “plumb line”!


Question For You:

Do you recognize God’s “plumb line” & how are you measuring up to it?



If you have a prayer request, please contact Pastor Rebecca at 315-317-6140  or the church office at 716-692-1319.   



Thursday, July 11  

10:00am                    Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)


Saturday, July 13

10:00am                    Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)


Sunday, July 14

10:30 am                     Sunday Worship for all ages (Sanctuary) 

11:30am                      Coffee Fellowship for all ages (Parlor)

Monday, July 15

10:00 am                     Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)

7:00pm                        Session


Tuesday, July 16         

9:00am – 2:00pm        Office Hours


Wednesday, July 17

9:00am – 2:00pm        Office Hours

11:00am                      Graveside Service – Walter Frech – Elmlawn Cemetery


Thursday, July 18   

10:00am                      Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)


Saturday, July 20

10:00am                      Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)

10am-4pm                  Garden Walk


Sunday, July 21

10:30 am                     Sunday Worship for all ages (Sanctuary) 

11:30am                      Coffee Fellowship for all ages (Parlor)



​​​List of Officers

SESSION 2024-2025                                

Diane Charsley & Clerk of Session

Tom Dugan, Treasurer

Michael Barry

Nancy Rolando

Sue Schurr

Billy Welch


DEACONS 2024-2025

Betsy Crocker, Moderator

Linda Barry

Gail Borycki

Laura Marohn

Bonnie Sibley

Associates:      Lynn Hyland, Treasurer

                        Marlene Tyrrell, Sunshine


  - Tom Dugan 



Church Parking Lot

Please, if you are able to walk, we would appreciate if you would park on the surrounding streets near the church
and leave the spaces in our parking lot for our folks who need them most.  Thanks very much.  
Hunger Sunday:   
Don't forget that the third Sunday of the month is Hunger Sunday.  Food and cash donations are welcome
and proceeds are donated to the Twin Cities Community Outreach.  Any food items may be dropped off at Donna and Bruce Blinston's front porch at 25 Elmwood Park West.  Thank you for your continued support.  


© 2014 The First Presbyterian Church of Tonawanda. All Rights Reserved.

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